A Letter from the Pastor

Church Family,


As you know, God has been calling me to plant a church for over 5 years. Taking the call was a huge leap of faith for myself and my family. I am absolutely amazed and humbled at all God has done for Faith Community Church in such a short period of time. Over and over we have witnessed His promise to provide for us when we put our faith in Him.

As we read in Jeremiah 29:11“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Does this mean it is time to put down our shovels? Quite the opposite. It is time for us to dig even deeper, remembering that every spadeful of dirt is for His glory.

We have so many exciting things happening and getting ready to launch. There is so much going on below the surface. We are actively (like more than 8 hours a day actively) working on getting a space. Not because the building itself is important, but because the building will allow us to grow and make disciples - which is really important. Please continue to be in constant prayer over the space that God already has planned for us.

Also, life groups are being formed and will be launched in the next week or two. This is so important as we go through this together. During our Empty series, we have talked about emptiness on a few different levels. We all get empty. And during this process, we are going to feel empty from time to time.

Summer is coming, and many of us are getting ready to take much needed vacations with our family. For my family, vacations mean car trips. Aside from stops for snacks, bathrooms, stretching, bathrooms, meals, bathrooms - we also have to refuel. Without putting back the fuel we use, we will never reach our destination.

As we dig in, we need to make sure we are refueling. This process is hard. And exhausting. But just like vacations, the end destination is the reward. Sometimes, we need others to hold the gas pump for us. Doing life together is going to be more important than ever as we do this work God has called us all to do.

Galatians 6:9 says,“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Doing things together is almost always easier than doing things alone. Our lives do not stop while we dig in. We will still have stress at work. We will still deal with financial hardships. We will still get illnesses and still need to focus on our marriage. Having a church family to carry those burdens with you IS part of the digging. Having a church family to share in your joy IS part of the work. Having a church family to pray when you have fear or doubt is CERTAINLY part of the building.

  Life groups will give us a consistent opportunity to refuel. Maybe it is meeting at someone’s house to hang out. Maybe it is meeting for dinner. Maybe it’s getting together to pray for a specific need. Maybe it’s getting together to watch a game. Maybe it’s an exciting Bible study. The vision for these life groups is for each group to have time each week for whatever it is you need to fill you back up. Everyone’s needs are going to be different and it is not up to me or the board to determine how you do it.

I know that my family and I are so thankful to have you to take on this journey with us. We are so thankful that you answered the call with us, and I am so excited to see what is in store for Faith Community!


In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Chris

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